Temple info -2175 Seeta Ramaswamy Temple, Pungunnam,Thrichur சீதா ராமஸ்வாமி கோயில்,புங்குன்னம்,திரிச்சூர்

 Temple info -2175

கோயில் தகவல் -2175

Sree Seetharamaswamy Temple

An integral part of the temple town of Thrissur, the Sree Seetharamaswamy Temple, Pushpagiri, established on 11-06-1899, is situated 6 degrees Northwest of the mighty Vadakkunnathan Temple. The Seetharamaswamy Temple, Pushpagiri enshrines Lord Seetharaman within the ‘Srikovil’ that boasts a stunning ‘Gajaprashta’ spire that is not commonly seen in Kerala temple architecture. Apart from Sita Rama enshrined in the main sanctum facing west, Hanuman, Lakshmana, Ganapati, Sri Parvati, Shiva, and Subrahmanya, are also enshrined in the temple, and now the Navagraha and Dharmashasta are separately enshrined within the premises. There is also a Shiva temple a little away from the sanctum sanctorum but within this temple's premises. The eminence of various prestigious temples in the town of Thrissur is a direct reflection of the spiritual evolution of its inhabitants.

The temple is now managed by the Temple Managing Committee consisting of Sri. T.S. Kalyanaraman, Sri. T.A. Balaraman, Sri. T.R. Rajagopalan (Sr. Advocate), Sr. T.S. Ramakrishnan (Executive Trustee).

Kalyana Mandapa – Wedding Hall

The Seetharamaswamy Temple also has its own ‘Kalyana Mandapa’- an air-conditioned wedding hall that can seat up to 500 people at a time complete with a dining hall. The Mandapa also has 10 AC rooms attached.

About-The-TempleHistory of the Temple


An ardent devotee of Vadakkunnathan, T.R. Ramachandra Iyer would pay his respects to the Lord at the Vadakkunnathan temple every day, especially to attend the final darshan called 'Thrippuka'. He would often be found spending extra time at the Sri Ram Mandapa, offering his prayers and chanting his slokas. It was during this time that Sri T.R. Ramachandra Iyer was inspired to chant the Ramayana. The daily prayer to Lord Ram and his everyday practice of chanting the Ramayana, brought about immense devotion towards Rama in his heart, making him a fervent devotee of Lord Ram. This evolution in his spiritual being brought about the desire to build a temple dedicated to Lord Ram and Goddess Sita within this neighbourhood. Sri T.R. Ramachandra Iyer then went on to seek permission and blessings from the Rama Mandapa at Vadakkunnathan. In response, it is believed that Lord Rama walked away with him that day, in turn giving him his blessings to make his desires come true.

The Seetharamaswamy Temple, Pushpagiri was established in the Malayalam month of ‘Edavam’ on the ‘Punartham’ star, dedicated to Lord Seetharaman, who is the ‘Prathishta’ at the centre of this holy temple. The Ram & Sita idols have been carved to perfection from ‘Anjanashila’ (a soft stone granite – very rarely found) by specially trained craftsmen from Tirunelveli, where Sita Devi sits to the left of Lord Rama.

Celebrations at the Temple

Sri Ramanavami is a ten-day festival celebrated at the temple every year. Apart from that, the Seetharamaswamy Temple also hosts a multitude of festivities and functions like Vasantholsavam, Navaratri, Visheshal Puja, Veda Chanting and more. Furthermore, the temple also conducts Visheshal Puja for Sri Rama on Ekadashi, for Ganapati on Chathurthi, for Lord Subrahmanyan on Shashti and for Parvati and Shiva on ‘Pradosham’ days. For the occasion of ‘Thaipooyam’, the temple conducts 11 days of ‘Rudrabhishekam’ and a procession on ‘Mayilvahanam’. Another important festival celebrated is the ‘Prathishta Dinam’ - day of dedication - on the ‘Punardham’ star every year of the ‘Edavam’ month of the Malayalam calendar.

Although there are numerous offerings at the Seetharama Temple every day, the ‘Kalabhabhishekam’ holds the highest prominence. A multitude of devotees offer the ‘Kalabhabhishekam’ to the Lord to be blessed with offspring, wealth, and fulfilment of other desires. Even the ‘vada-mala’ offering to Lord Hanuman is very famous!

The Golden TempleAbout-The-Temple

The Seetharamaswamy Temple has ‘Thazhika Kudam’ for Lord Rama as well as Lord Siva. In 2010, during the ‘Kumbhabhishekam’ - the ‘Dwajasthambham’ was covered in pure gold. The Seetharamaswamy Temple, Pushpagiri is the only one in Kerala to have a pure gold chariot. Now, the frontier of the ‘Sreekovils’ of Lord Rama, Lord Siva and Lord Ayyappa are also set to be covered in pure gold.

The Tallest Hanuman Statue

Now, the Seetharamaswamy Temple, Pushpagiri also boasts the tallest Hanuman Statue situated in front of the temple, facing the Pushpagiri Agraharam. This classical masterpiece is carved from a single stone and the Hanuman statue is 55 feet tall. The temple now hosts a mesmerising light and sound show every Sunday for the devotees wherein the entire Ramayana tale is depicted via the laser show with a background score of the Hanuman Chalisa. The entire show is set to run for ten minutes.


It was a renowned Madras High Court Judge - Brahmasri Diwan Bahadur T.R. Ramachandra Iyer who led the process of building, designing, and dedicating the Seetharamaswamy Temple to Lord Seetharaman. He was a resident of Naikkanal, Thrissur, and would often enjoy taking strolls around the Thrissur Round, in the company of his colleagues, to visit new places. On one of his such strolls, he came across the area known as Pushpagiri by chance. Back then, Pushpagiri was an abandoned land infested with weeds and plants, where there was little human activity. T.R. Ramachandra Iyer then decided to clean up this area, level it and build his desired temple along with a neighbouring ‘gramam’ or village that would later go on to become the Pushpagiri Gramam where Thrissur Brahmins reside today. He went on to establish the temple, a school, a mill, the gramam and also a house for himself on this land.

'May the blessings of Lord Seetharaman be upon all the devotees who visit the Seetharamaswamy Temple at Pushpagiri and may all the desires prayed for, be materialised and fulfilled.'

 Pushpagiri Agraharam, Harinagar,

Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala

680002, India






ஸ்ரீ சீதாராமசுவாமி கோவில் பற்றி

திருச்சூர் கோயில் நகரத்தின் ஒருங்கிணைந்த பகுதியாக, 11-06-1899 இல் நிறுவப்பட்ட புஷ்பகிரி ஸ்ரீ சீதாராமசுவாமி கோயில், வலிமைமிக்க வடக்குநாதன் கோயிலுக்கு 6 டிகிரி வடமேற்கில் அமைந்துள்ளது. புஷ்பகிரியில் உள்ள சீதாராமசுவாமி கோயிலில், கேரளக் கோயில் கட்டிடக்கலையில் பொதுவாகக் காணப்படாத, பிரமிக்க வைக்கும் ‘கஜபிரஷ்ட’ கோபுரத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ள ‘ஸ்ரீகோவிலில்’ சீதாராமன் சந்நிதி உள்ளது. பிரதான சன்னதியில் மேற்கு நோக்கி வீற்றிருக்கும் சீதா ராமரைத் தவிர, அனுமன், லக்ஷ்மணன், கணபதி, ஸ்ரீ பார்வதி, சிவன், சுப்ரமணியர் ஆகியோரும் இக்கோயிலில் வீற்றிருக்கிறார்கள், இப்போது நவக்கிரகங்களும் தர்மசாஸ்தாவும் தனித்தனியாக வளாகத்தில் பிரதிஷ்டை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளனர். கருவறையிலிருந்து சிறிது தூரத்தில் ஒரு சிவன் கோயிலும் உள்ளது, ஆனால் இந்த கோவிலின் வளாகத்திற்குள். திருச்சூர் நகரத்தில் உள்ள பல்வேறு மதிப்புமிக்க கோவில்களின் சிறப்பம்சம், அதன் குடிமக்களின் ஆன்மீக பரிணாமத்தின் நேரடி பிரதிபலிப்பாகும்.

இக்கோயிலை இப்போது ஸ்ரீ ஆகியோர் கொண்ட கோயில் நிர்வாகக் குழு நிர்வகித்து வருகிறது. டி.எஸ்.கல்யாணராமன், ஸ்ரீ. டி.ஏ.பலராமன், ஸ்ரீ. டி.ஆர்.ராஜகோபாலன் (மூத்த வழக்கறிஞர்), சீனியர் டி.எஸ்.ராமகிருஷ்ணன் (நிர்வாக அறங்காவலர்).

மேலும் படிக்க

பூஜை நேரங்கள்

பூஜை நேரங்கள்

கோவில் திறக்கிறது5.15 AM

ஜலாபிஷேகம்5.30 AM

அனுமனுக்கு பாலாபிஷேகம்5.45 AM

கணபதி ஹோமம்காலை 6.00 மணி

பாலாபிஷேகம்காலை 7:30 மணி

அலங்காரம்காலை 7.45 மணி

சஹஸ்ரநாம அர்ச்சனைகாலை 8.15 மணி

நிவேத்யம்காலை 8.45 மணி

தீபாராதனைகாலை 10.00 மணி

கோவில் தரிசன நேரம்கோவில் தரிசன நேரம்காலை: 5:00 முதல் 10:30 வரை - மாலை: 5:30 முதல் 8:15 வரை


புஷ்பகிரி அக்ரஹாரம், ஹரிநகர்,

புங்குன்னம், திருச்சூர், கேரளா

680002, இந்தியா






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