Temple info -2119 Dhundiraj Vinayak Temple, Kashi துண்டிராஜ வினாயகர் கோயில்,காசி
Temple info -2119 கோயில் தகவல் -2119 Shri Dhundiraj Vinayak who arrived at Kashi to enable Bhagwan Shiva to come to Kashi Shri Dhundiraj Vinayak who arrived at Kashi to enable Bhagwan Shiva to come to Kashi September 4, 2020 Share this on : ‘Kashi (Uttar Pradesh) has thousands of temples out of which 56 are those of Shri Ganesh, the special one being that of Shri Dhundiraj Vinayak.It is believed that one should pay obeisance to Shri Dhundiraj Vinayak after doing circumambulation (parikrama) at Kashi. This idol is present at the entrance to the Kashi Vishwanath temple. The Skand Puran has glorified the greatness of the Kashi region. We narrate here the story of how Shri Ganesh arrived in Kashi, the seat of Bhagwan Shiva. The idol of Shri Dhundiraj Vinayak 1.The righteous ruler of Kashi Divodas asked Bhagwan Brahma for a boon not allowing Deities to visit the Kashi region, Deity Brahma complied with a restriction that this would happen if he ruled with excellence During...