Temple info -1873 Srinivasa perumal temple, Dindukkal ஶ்ரீனிவாசபெருமாள் கோயில் , திண்டுக்கல்

 Temple info -1873

கோயில் தகவல் -1873

Arulmigu Srinivasaperumal Temple, Dindigul

Arulmigu Srinivasa Perumal Temple is close to the historic Dindigul Rock Fort, a few kilometers away from NH - 45B from Tiruchy to Madurai, Dindigul. The temple, which was historically known as Padmachalam, is situated at the foothills of Dindigul Malaikottai in picturesque surroundings. The Temple is located 4 kms west of the Railway station at the foot of the Dindigul Fort. The temple in its current form is believed to have been built by Achutha Deva Raya.

It is famous for Srinivasaperumal who is the main deity of the temple. Festivals and Poojas occur often in this temple. People from various places visit this temple.


Once, devotees wanting the darshan of Lord Srinivasa performed a yagna (fire ritual) here. A demon caused problems and tried to stop the yagna. Responding to their prayers, Perumal appeared there and destroyed the demon. As he was in a raging form, the devotees prayed to Mahalakshmi to quench the fury of the Lord. Lakshmi obliged the devotees, and along with Lord Vishnu, stayed back to grace the place and the devotees. Later, a temple was built here for the Lord with Sridevi and Bhoodevi as His consorts with the name of Srinivasa Perumal.

Greatness of Temple

The temple is situated at the foothill of Dindigul Malaikottai with gooseberry trees representing the grace of Mahalakshmi, Goddess of Wealth. It is also considered equal to Tulsi leaves attributed to Lord Vishnu. A place graced by the Lord and the Mother. For removal of obstacle in marriage efforts and for the removal of the Doshas caused by the anger of ancestors, people worship the Lord with gooseberry leaves. Lord Srinivasa appears with his right hand towards the sky and the left pointing to the earth. Garuda is at the entrance in a big form.

On the Chitra Poornima day (April-May) the Lord is taken to Kudaganaru (a river). Brahmotsavam is celebrated in the month of Aani (June-July). On the Panguni Uthiram day (March-April) the wedding festival is celebrated.

Andal Garland:

While Mother Alamelu Mangai occupies the shrine on the right of the Lord, Andal occupies the shrine on the left of the Lord. Gomatha (worshipping the cow) puja is performed on Fridays with Thirumanjanam when turmeric and milk are given as Prasad to devotees. It is believed that women joining the puja will ever be Suvasinies and girls get a happy match. 

With the determination of getting the Lord Himself as her husband, Sri Andal took up fasting worship in the Margazhi month (December-January) known as Paavai Nonbu in Tamil, sung 30 sweet versus in praise of the Lord celebrated as Thiruppavai in Tamil Vaishnavite literature. A Lamp Puja is performed all the 30 days of this month. During these days, the Garland placed on Andal is then placed on the Lord representing the greatness of Andal as Choodikodutha Nachiar.

Ashtalakshmi Narasimha:

The idol of Chakarathzhwar has all the 10 incarnations of Shri Vishnu. Behind this idol is Sri Narasimha with Ashtalakshmis (Sri Mahalakshmi in 8 forms) around him. There is also a snake at the feet of Lord Narasimha. This a very rare forms ever seen in Vishnu temples. Special Thirumanjana Puja is performed to Lord Chakarathzhwar on the Chitra Poornima day. Those seeking unity between husband and wife and relief from the burden of debts pray here.

Sri Anjaneya: 

Sri Anjaneya graces in the corridor, his idol beautifully sculpted with the tail between the two legs. According to tradition, the Navagrahas (9 planets) live in his tail. For relief from any planetary affliction, devotees pray to Sri Anjaneya here.

The Temple

Arulmigu Srinivasa Perumal Temple is an ancient temple surrounded by huge walls. To the front of the temple stands Garuda statue and to the South of Garuda statue a temple for Vinayagar is located. Vasantha Mandapam is located to the front of Garudalwar Sannithi. In this Mandapam Alwars as Dwarabalakargal can be seen. The `Vaikunda Ekadasi' festival was celebrated with religious fervour at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple.

Hundreds of devotees took part in the festival celebrated at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple near rock fort. After special pujas, the Lord mounted on Garudazhwar and reached a separate hall near the main mandapam for darshan. The Uthsavamoorthy was kept in the mandapam throughout the day for darshan.

The shrines of Damodara Vinayaka and Navaneethakrishna are in the Prakaram or inner corridor with other shrines for the nine planets. Icons of the famous Vaishnava Acharyas or gurus - Nammazhwar, Thirumangai Azhwar and Sri Ramanuja are processional deities.

Arulmigu Srinivasa Perumal Shrine, which is at the foothills of Dindigul Malaikottai, has many gooseberry trees that represent the grace of Mahalakshmi, Goddess of Wealth. It is also considered equal in sanctity and healing qualities to Tulsi leaves that are associated with Lord Vishnu. A huge Garuda, (the kite bird vehicle of Vishnu) guards the entrance.

While Mother Alamelu Mangai occupies the shrine on the right of the Lord, Andal occupies the shrine to the left of the Lord. The icon of Chakarathzhwar, the representation of Lord Vishnu’s disc, shows all the ten incarnations of Shri Vishnu. A special Thirumanjana Puja is performed to Lord Chakarathzhwar on Chitra Poornima day (the full moon day in April-May). This is supposed to help husband and wife to resolve differences. Devotees get relief from the burden of debts when they pray here.

Behind this deity is Sri Narasimha with a snake placed at his feet - an unusual representation. Eight Ashtalakshmis (forms of Mahalakshmi) are placed around Lord Narasimha. Sri Anjaneya, or Hanuman, can be found in the corridor. His figure is beautifully sculpted with the tail placed between the two legs. According to tradition, the Navagrahas—the nine planets - live in his tail. Devotees pray to Sri Anjaneya here to get relief from problems created by planetary misplacement and negative effects.

Close to Arulmigu Srinivasa Perumal Shrine are the Shrines of Kottai (Fort) Mariamman and Abhirami.


1.    Arulmigu Damodara Vinayagar Shrine. 

2.    Krishna Shrine. 

3.    Mahamandapam. 

4.    Vasantha mandapam. 

5.    Moolavar Shrine. 

6.    Arulmigu Alamelumangai Shrine. 

7.    Arulmigu Aandal Shrine. 

8.    Arulmigu Sakkarthalwar Shrine. 

9.    Navagraha Shrine. 

10.Udayavar Shrine.


Srinivasaperumal, a representation of Lord Vishnu, is the main deity of Arulmigu Srinivasa Perumal Shrine. The presiding deity is installed under a Padma Vimanam (lotus shaped ceiling). Lord Srinivasa is pictured with his right hand towards the sky and the left pointing to the earth.

25 feet Garuda:

A special feature at this Shrine is the huge 25 feet Viswaroopa Garuda seen in a standing posture facing the Lord. This is believed to be a Prarthana sthalam for removal of Pilli, Soonyam with a special pooja for Garuda on Swathi along with presentation of Jalebi to the Lord helping solve a devotee's problems. Garuda Panchami Homam is a specialty at this Shrine and offering sincere prayers to Garuda at this Shrine is also believed to help prevent accidents.


There is an 80year old inscription inside the Shrine.

Temple Opening Time

·        Morning - 6.00 AM to Noon 12.00 PM

·        Evening - 4.00 PM to 9.00 PM

Pooja Timings   

Three poojas are done regularly every day.

·        Kalasanthi Pooja - Morning 7.00 AM

·        Uchikala Pooja - Noon 12.00 PM

·        Sayaratchai Pooja - Night 7.00 PM

Special Poojas:

Every Friday 6.00 PM Thirumanjanam for Arulmigu Alamelu Mangai is done

Every Saturday 6.30 AM Thirumanjanam for Anjaneyar and Sakkarthalwar is done at their Sannithi

Every month Special poojas are done on Rohini, Thiruvathirai, Pooram, Thiruvonam, Moolam, Pounami, Sankadahara Sathurthi days.

Once in three months Vishnupathi Punyakala Pooja is done.

Every month on first day of Tamil month 6.00 pm Swami Ulpurapadu is done.

On the month of Margazhi every day, Thiruvillakku valipadu is done and at 6.30 & Speech on Thiruppavai is given.

Pooja Fees Structure

1.    Ashtothiram - Rs. 2.00

2.    Sagasaranamam - Rs. 5.00

3.    Thirumanjana Fees - Rs. 10.00

4.    Marriage Fees - Rs. 150.00

5.    Mandapam Booking Fees - Rs. 1200.00

6.    Photo - Rs. 25.00

7.    Video - Rs. 50.00


Chithirai Month:

Chithira Pournami function is celebrated during this month in this Shrine for 2 days. On Chitra Poornima day (full moon in April-May) the deity is taken to the River Kudaganaru. Gomatha puja (worshipping the cow) is performed on Fridays with Thirumanjanam (ablution) and turmeric and milk are given as prasad to devotees. It is believed that women who join this puja will not lose their husbands and will be Suvasinis. Unmarried girls are said to get a good groom after doing this ritual.

Vaigasi Month:

Vasantha Urchavam is celebrated during this month in this Shrine for 10 days.

Aani Month:

Aani function is celebrated during this month in this Shrine for 13 days.

Aadi Month:

Aadi Pooram is conducted in Aandal Shrine.

Aavani Month:

Krishna Jayanthi function is conducted in this month.

Puratasi Month:

Puratasi Sanivaram and Navarathri Functions are conducted this month.

Aipasi Month:

Deepavali function is celebrated this month.

Karthigai Month:

Karthigai Deepam function is celebrated during this month in this Shrine.

Margazhi Month:

Lamp Puja is performed all the 30 days of the month of Margazhi (December-January). Andal fasted and worshipped Perumal and this is known as Paavai Nonbu in Tamil. She sang 30 songs in praise of the Lord and it is celebrated as Thiruppavai in Tamil Vaishnavite literature. In this 30-day festival, a flower garland first adorns Andal. Later it is placed on the neck of Lord Srinivasa Perumal, representing the greatness of Andal as Choodikodutha Nachiar (the one who wore and then gave the garland). Vaikunta Ekadasi in this month attracts hordes of devotees.

Pagal Pathu and Rapathu function is celebrated for 20 days with Araiyar service. The 11th day is celebrated as Vaigunda Egathashi and on that particular day early morning Paramapadha Vasal opening function is celebrated.

Thai Month:

The first day is celebrated as Tamil New Year and Thirumanjanam, Alangaram as a part of it.

Masi Month:

Masi Urchavam is celebrated this month.

Panguni Month:

Sudharshana homam and Kubera Lakshmi homam are done early morning. Srinivasaperumal Thirukalyanam is celebrated on Uthira Natchathra.

Hanuman Jayanthi and Panguni Uthiram in March-April are the festivals celebrated in this month.


People pray for the improvement of the memory power of the children and their progress in education and also for the removal of obstacles in marriage alliances by conducting a wedding festival for the Lord offering Mangal Sutra to Mother Goddess. Archanas are performed with gooseberry leaves for remedy from hardships caused by Pitrus – ancestors’ anger. Devotees offer Thirumanjanam, Vastras (Clothes) to the Lord and Sweet Pudding (Sarkarai Pongal) as Nivedhana.


This Shrine is under the control of Tamilnadu Hindu religious and charitable endowments Trust.

·        Annadhanam is done in this Shrine every day.

·        Devotional classes are conducted every Saturday and Sunday in this Shrine.

·        Yoga classes are conducted for the purpose of Sevarthigal.

·        Library with devotional books are present inside the Shrine.


Srinivasa Perumal Temple

Dindigul - 624 001

Mobile: 9790294821/99652 54227

Phone: 0451 2433229


The Shrine is at a distance of just five minutes walk from the Yanai Theppam bus stand in Dindigul on the Dindigul Madurai Road. Yanai Theppam bus stand is 2 km on the road to Madurai. 

The Shrine is about 4kms west of the Dindigul Railway station. Auto from the station will cost Rs.40.

Nearest Airport is located at Madurai.


Ilamurugan's blog 

*நான்கு கைகளிலும் சக்கரம்...* 

 *மகாலட்சுமியின் அம்சம்...!!* 

 *அருள்மிகு சீனிவாசப்பெருமாள் திருக்கோயில்...!!* 

அமைவிடம் :

திண்டுக்கல் மலைக்கோட்டையின் அடிவாரத்தில் தாலுகா அலுவலக மெயின் ரோட்டில் அமைந்துள்ளது சீனிவாசப்பெருமாள் திருக்கோயில். பக்தர்களின் வேண்டுதலை ஏற்று ஸ்ரீதேவி பூதேவியுடன் திருமணக் கோலத்தில் சீனிவாசராக, மலை அடிவாரத்தில் நெல்லி மரத்தடியில் காட்சி கொடுத்த பெருமை உடையது இத்தலமாகும். இத்தலம் பத்மாசலம் என்றும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

மாவட்டம் :

அருள்மிகு சீனிவாசப்பெருமாள் திருக்கோயில், மலைக்கோட்டை அடிவாரம், திண்டுக்கல் மாவட்டம்.

எப்படி செல்வது?

திண்டுக்கல்லில் இருந்து மதுரை செல்லும் ரோட்டில் 2 கி.மீ., தூரத்தில் யானைத்தெப்பம் பஸ் ஸ்டாப்பில் இறங்கி, அங்கிருந்து ஐந்து நிமிட நடையில் கோயிலுக்குச் சென்று விடலாம்.

கோயில் சிறப்பு :

மகாலட்சுமியின் அம்சமாகக் கருதப்படும் நெல்லி மரமே இத்தலத்தின் விருட்சமாகும். இதை துளசிக்கும் ஒப்பானதாகச் சொல்வர். மகாலட்சுமி இருக்குமிடத்தில், மகாவிஷ்ணு வாசம் செய்வதாக ஐதீகம். எனவே, இத்தலத்தை மகாவிஷ்ணுவின் இருப்பிடமாகக் கருதுகின்றனர். 

இக்கோயிலில் சக்கரத்தாழ்வாருக்கு தனிச்சன்னதி இருக்கிறது. இவரது சிலையில் சுற்றிலும் பெருமாளின் தசாவதாரச் சிற்பங்கள் பொறிக்கப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. இவருக்கு பின்புறம் நான்கு கைகளிலும் சக்கரம் ஏந்தியிருக்கும் நரசிம்மருக்குக் கீழே நாகம் இருக்கிறது. 

இந்த நரசிம்மரைச் சுற்றி அஷ்டலட்சுமிகள் இருக்கின்றனர். இத்தகைய அமைப்பில் சக்கரத்தாழ்வார், நரசிம்மரின் தரிசனம் கிடைப்பது அபூர்வம்.

உற்சவர் கல்யாண சீனிவாசன் என்ற பெயரோடு உள்ளதால் இத்தலத்தைத் திருமணங்கள் நடைபெறும் தலமாக மக்கள் கருதி வழிபட்டு வருகின்றனர். 

திருமணத்தடை நீங்குவதற்காக கல்யாண சீனிவாசனுக்கு திருக்கல்யாணம் செய்து வைக்கின்ற பெருமையினை இக்கோயில் பெற்றுள்ளது. 

சுவாமி, வலது கையை ஆகாயம் நோக்கிக் காட்டியும், இடது கையை பூமியைக் காட்டியபடியும் இருக்கிறார். கோயில் முகப்பில் பெரிய கருடாழ்வார் நின்ற நிலையில் இருக்கிறார்.

கோயில் திருவிழா : 

சித்ரா பௌர்ணமி, ஆடிப்பூரம், நவராத்திரி, வைகுண்ட ஏகாதசி, அனுமன் ஜெயந்தி, பிரம்மோற்சவம், வசந்தோற்சவம், பங்குனி உத்திரம், வைகாசி, பவித்ரோற்சவம் ஆகிய நாட்களில் திருக்கல்யாணம் நடத்தப்பெறுகிறது. புரட்டாசி மாதம் 5 சனிக்கிழமைகள் முக்கியமான நாட்களாக அமைந்துள்ளன. புரட்டாசி மாதத்தில் கல்யாண சீனிவாசரிடம் பக்தர்கள் தம்முடைய பிரார்த்தனைகளை முன்வைத்தால், அவை பலிக்கும் என்று நம்புகின்றனர். புதன், சனிக்கிழமைகள், அமாவாசை, பௌர்ணமி ஆகியவை இக்கோயிலின் சிறப்பு நாட்களாகும். 

பிரார்த்தனை : 

குழந்தைகள் மறதித்தன்மை நீங்கி, சுறுசுறுப்பாக இருக்கவும், கல்வியில் சிறக்கவும் இங்கு அதிகளவில் வேண்டிக் கொள்கிறார்கள். திருமணத்தடை நீங்க கல்யாண சீனிவாசருக்கு திருக்கல்யாணம் செய்து வைக்கிறார்கள். மாங்கல்யம் மற்றும் பித்ரு தோஷ நிவர்த்திக்கு சுவாமிக்கு நெல்லி இலைகளால் அர்ச்சனை செய்து வழிபடுகிறார்கள்.

நேர்த்திக்கடன் : 

சுவாமிக்கு திருமஞ்சனம் செய்வித்து, வஸ்திரம் அணிவித்து, சர்க்கரைப்பொங்கல் படைத்து நேர்த்திக்கடன் நிறைவேற்றுகின்றனர்.🙏🌿


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