Temple -1 for Uthiradam Nakshatram


Temple 1 for star Uthiradam/Utharishada


Lord Nataraja in a separate shrine in the temple appears ready dressing His hair for His cosmic dance performance.

Guru God

Truimph Arch

Zodiac Tula

Sri Sri Brahma Pureeswarar
Amman / Thayar
Sri Brahma Vidyaambigai

Old year
500-1000 years old



Tamil Nadu


Vishaakha (in Sanskrit)

Visaakam (in Tamil, Malayalam)

Visvedevas, universal gods

Sri Brahmmapureeswarar (Meenakshi Sundareswarar) Temple,

Poongudi – 630 552, Sivaganga district.

Phone: +91 99436 59071, 99466 59072

The temple is open from 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and from 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.

Chithirai Tirukalayanam-wedding festival in April-May, Vaikasi Visakam in May–June, Purattasi Navarathri in September–October, Skanda Sashti and Deepavali in October–November, Abishek with conches on Karthikai Mondays in November–December, Margazhi Tiruvadhirai and Koodaravalli fasting in December–January, Thai Poosam in January-February, Masi Magam and Shivrathri in February-March and Panguni Uthiram in March–April are the festivals celebrated in the temple.

According to the scriptures, Brahama had five heads as and equal to Lord Shiva. Since Brhama was also handling the Creation, He thought that He was superior to Lord Shiva. To teach Him a lesson, Lord Shiva took off one of Brahama's head. Having committed wrong to Lord Shiva, Brahmma wandered to all Shiva temples for remedy including this temple. As Brahmma worshipped Shiva here, the Lord is praised as Brahmmapureeswara. Mother is praised as Brahmmavidyambikai and also as Poongudiyal. The original temple was reduced to ruins in course of time and was built completely anew. Lord and Mother were named Sundareswarar and Meenakshi respectively.

Aadam means that which existed first. Of the 27 stars, Uthiradam is the seniormost star. Hence, all deities of other 26 stars perform Padapuja-worshipping the feet of Poongudiyal heading the Uthiradam star. The nakshtra natives are advised to pray here on these days. Special abisheks are performed to Lord Shiva.

Special pujas are performed to Lord Shiva on Poornima days-full moon days. Panchamurthis are taken procession this day. Also Homas are performed early in the morning. The wedding festival is celebrated in this temple, the same day when Meenakshi Kalyanam is celebrated in Madurai. On Margazhi Tiruvadhirai day pujas are performed with heaps of flowers at night. This is a temple with five tier tower. The tank is opposite the temple.

Pujas are performed to Lord Bhairava on Ashtami falling in new moon fortnight. Special pujas are performed to Lingodhbava behind the Shiva shrine on Karthika day and on third part of the night of Shivrathri.


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